Car Rental Insurance is something that you are required to know, whenever you rent a car. There are several things that you are required to know relating to your car insurance, before you go out on a long awaited vacation. There are many types of car rental insurance that are available, depending on the nature of your vehicle, and the purpose that it is used for. The car rental insurance policies vary from one insurer to another, and also on the amount that you can spend. There are many policies which do not cover the rented vehicles, while most of the policies are known to be covering the damage that is caused to the rented vehicle, when you have hired it for a vacation or a tour. If you are properly insured your insurance may also cover you, from the liabilities that may arise in cases of the claims that are up to the limits of policy. Many complications are involved, even if you know that your policy covers your vehicle. The fact that is important is that you are required to know, who exactly is covered under the insurance policy. It is also required to be noted that whether the drivers of the cars are covered under the insurance and whether you are also covered. It is not an easy task to find out all these factors and the only way in which you can find the details about the insurance policy is to contact your insurance agent or the insurance company. It is also necessary to know whether your fellow travelers as well as you are covered under the policy. Another important factor that is required to be kept in mind is that, the fine print of the insurance policy is required to be studied properly, so as to understand the restrictions that are available to the car rental coverage. It is to be remembered if the policy shall provide car rental policy, only in cases of theft and damage to your own car.
Insurance policies and protection are also provided by the car rental companies as well as others. In case you have purchased the insurance from a car rental company, you will be aware that the company shall provide you with a large number of offers that is related to many types of losses and waivers, and all this is available at an additional cost. In this case the car insurance is bound to become your primary coverage. You are required to keep it in mind that when you are driving your vehicle, you are the only person who is authorized to drive the vehicle. It implies that in case other people are driving your car, and meet with an accident, the insurance policy may not apply. Different states have different definitions of authorized operator. Several states consider your spouse to be your authorized operator, and have the right to drive your vehicle, without your permission. If you are renting a car under a corporate account, then the employer, employees and the fellow employees, maybe considered as authorized operators, who may drive your vehicle without your permission. Many other people can be represented as additional authorized operators, when there is a written approval provided to them, so that they can drive the vehicle. However, there are specific requirements that are to be met, such as the minimum age of 25 years, along with a valid license and a major credit card. Therefore, it is an easy task to purchase your insurance from a car rental company, but you are required to make verification from the rental company about the car insurance. Insurance policy is also covered by the major credit cards, and the credit card company may make coverage for your rental car. They may include the coverage in your account, at no additional cost or as per the policy of the company you may purchase it separately, without any additional cost that is paid. You may consult your credit card company to know about the policy that is covered, and the people who are covered in the policy.
Hi...Your auto insurance tips are really awesome. It will help the owner and other driver to maintain all the important insurance policy.Keep posting….